Source of Midjourney
January 4, 2024
In an interview, David Holz, the founder/CEO of Midjourney revealed that the term “Midjourney” was inspired by Zhuangzi’s philosophy, which he studies and mused a lot.
Many wander from which part of the book the term “midjourney” was taken from.
It is from Qi-Wu, the second piece of inner chapters. In my translation of the book, I use the term “non-duality” to reflect the underlying meaning of the title.
The piece of text is actually talking about self-preservation (not only for life but everything one values and pursues):
On Self-preservation
My lifetime is finite; while knowledge is infinite. Chasing infinite by finite is unwise. Unwittingly adherence to the chase is perilous. Avoid: act good only due to moral obligations; refrain from evil only out of fear of legal consequences. Walk the midjourney. It will help you stay in one piece; preserve your vitality; supply your provisions; live out your full lifespan.
Interestingly, the paragraph appears right before the paragraph is the well-known butterfly metaphor:
Once, Chuang-tzu dreamed he was a butterfly. Vividly a butterfly. He fluttered around, happy with himself. He didn’t know there was a Chuang-Chou. Shortly he woke up. There he was, vividly Chuang-Chou. Is it Chuang-Chou dreamed he was the butterfly, or a butterfly dreamed he was Chuang-Chou. There must be something that separates Chuang-Chou and butterfly. Realizing the illusory nature of identity is called moksha or awakening.