
My English translation of an ancient sanskrit Meditation book

October 17, 2024

This is the English translation after I finished my study in varanasi by end of ‘19 (right before the pandemic). I think it is time to make this public. If you are interested to know more, there is a full annotation on Amazon. Without further ado, here is the full text: 1 Sri Devi asked: I heard that everything is illusion. We should follow the instruction of Rudrayāmala to enter union. ...

Updates in my old zkSNARK Research: IVC, Folding etc

October 17, 2024

Since 2022, we have seen significant progress in zkSNARK research, particularly in areas like Incremental Verifiable Computation (IVC) and folding schemes. I have refurbished my 2022 survey article and make it publicly available. Prev Next Page: / Download PDF

About Peter Higgs

April 10, 2024
Physics, Math

Peter Higgs, one of the greatest theorectical physists who passed away earlier this week in Edinburgh. There is a Native American proverb which goes: Tell me a fact, and I’ll learn. Tell me a truth, and I’ll believe. But tell me a story, and it will live in my heart forever. I guess the best way to memorize someone is to share good stories: When questioned about his plans if the LHC data confirms the Higgs boson’s existence, as anticipated by most physicists, he responded: ...

Source of Midjourney

January 4, 2024

In an interview, David Holz, the founder/CEO of Midjourney revealed that the term “Midjourney” was inspired by Zhuangzi’s philosophy, which he studies and mused a lot. Many wander from which part of the book the term “midjourney” was taken from. It is from Qi-Wu, the second piece of inner chapters. In my translation of the book, I use the term “non-duality” to reflect the underlying meaning of the title. The piece of text is actually talking about self-preservation (not only for life but everything one values and pursues): ...

An iterative exploration on EM algorithm

January 2, 2024
Machine Learning, Math

An iterative exploration on EM algorithm # As a continuation of my notes on classicial machine learning, this is an exclusive study on EM agorithm to deepen my understanding from a wider variety of perspectives. EM as Expection + Maximization # The understanding of latent variable is the first `get` in EM algorithms. Through latent variable, we have witnessed the greatness of EM algorithm which breaks through the limit of MLE. ...

How I build a meditation app in a week

December 25, 2023
Programming, Meditation

Prelude # The story was I built an iOS app for group meditation. It works like Clubhouse but for regular meditators instead. The instructor can remotely sit with students, who can reserve class and book 1:1 sessions. Teachers can record sessions and offer the replay option for students. During meditation, they can play ambient music along with guidance. I built the app in a week. I have to say that Swift is a much more enjoyable language than Objective-C which I developed apps on years ago. ...

Notes on classical ML math

April 2, 2023
Machine Learning, Math

Introduction # There are two major schools of thought on the interpretation of probability: one is the frequentist school and the other is the Bayesian school. Later, we will use the following notation for the observed set: \(X_{N\times p}=(x_{1},x_{2},\cdots,x_{N})^{T},x_{i}=(x_{i1},x_{i2},\cdots,x_{ip})^{T}\) This notation indicates there are \(N\) samples, and each sample is a \(p\) -dimensional vector. Each observation is generated by \(p(x|\theta)\) . Frequentist # Frequentists hold that in \(p(x|\theta)\) , \(\theta\) as a parameter is a constant. ...